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Topic:Smart Water business intelligence

Smart Water business intelligence week 22/07/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

Smart Water, current challenges and future solutions

How Today’s Water Facilities Are Successfully Integrating Advanced Technology, Data Analytics, And Predictive Modeling

European Council adds water resilience to strategic agenda

Investing in innovation – how technology can secure our water future

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Smart Water business intelligence week 15/07/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

L’eau, nouveau défi des intercommunalités

l’ONG Pesticide Action Network alerte sur la forte présence du “polluant éternel” TFA dans l’eau potable en Europe

Sobriété en eau : une nouvelle étape franchie pour les industries agroalimentaires

Publication du 14e rapport national de l’Observatoire des services publics d’eau et d’assainissement, édition 2024

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Smart Water business intelligence week 08/07/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

​Explore2, LIFE Eau&Climat : des clés pour l’adaptation de la gestion de l’eau

Le SIAAP enrichit l’observatoire MeSeine, son outil de surveillance des rivières franciliennes

UK Supreme Court judgement against United Utilities sets precedent for water pollution law suits

Dubai to build $8bln stormwater runoff system after record floods

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Smart Water business intelligence week 01/07/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

​Member states’ water pollutant wish list sees green backlash

Bluemethane unveils novel tech to capture methane from water

L’Espagne, le Portugal et la France planchent ensemble sur l’eau

Eau et assainissement au Sénégal : la Banque mondiale renforce son soutien pour atteindre 7 millions d’habitants au Sénégal

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