Market trends

Topic:Veille Smart Water

Smart Water business intelligence week 01/04/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

[UNESCO] Rapport mondial sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau 2024

Ils inventent une machine capable de rendre potable n’importe quelle eau, même très polluée

Plan eau : 1 an après, 100% des mesures engagées

[FEP] Comment assurer un financement durable, équitable et soutenable des services publics d’eau et d’assainissement ?

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Veille Smart Water semaine du 22/01/2024

An overview of new developments in the field on market, technology, regulation and financing themes.

Headlines of the week:

A look at 2023’s major water acquisitions

A new way to swiftly eliminate micropollutants from water

Bottled Water Can Contain Hundreds of Thousands of Previously Uncounted Tiny Plastic Bits, Study Finds

Florida Governor awards $20 Million for Water Quality Improvement Projects in Biscayne Bay

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Smart Water business intelligence week 25/12/2023

An overview of new developments in the field on the themes of market, technology, regulation and financing.

This week headlines :

[ENQUETE XERFI] Gestion de l’eau : le marché B2B en ébullition

Comment l’IA aide à détecter le plastique dans les océans

Des PFAS retrouvés dans presque la moitié des échantillons d’eau du robinet en Suisse

New Mexico to establish first-of-its-kind strategic water supply worth $500 million

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