Smart Water business intelligence

We often talk about global warming to explain the water crisis, but to allow each individual to access drinking water in sufficient quantity and quality, an entire ecosystem must be preserved:
Émission “Au fil de l’eau” : Quelle est la place de l’eau dans nos sociétés et comment la protéger ?
MIT researchers have developed a new wood-based water filter that would remove 99% of bacteria present in contaminated water:
New Natural Wood Filters Remove 99% of Bacteria in Contaminated Water
This March 22, 2021 was, like every year, dedicated to World Water Day. On this occasion, the movement of French NGOs committed to access to water and sanitation for all publishes recommendations in this area. Because despite a European Union directive of December 2020, French law has still not incorporated these essential measures:
Plus d’un million de Français n’ont pas accès à l’eau potable
Ofwat (UK) has created a £ 200million innovation fund to increase the innovation capacity of the water sector. This aid will be allocated through innovation competitions launched in 2021: