Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


The Union of Water Industries and Companies, the National Federation of Public Works and its branch Les Canalisateurs unite and propose to make water agencies the spearhead of recovery in the water sector in France by authorizing them to have recourse to borrowing:

Union sacrée pour la relance du secteur de l’eau


Energy storage in renewables remains a challenge and this article explores avenues of reflection to overcome this obstacle:

La prochaine superbatterie


The Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities explains to us the distribution of roles for the management of aquatic environments and flood prevention (GEMAPI) between mayors and inter-communities:

Compétence GEMAPI : quelle répartition des rôles entre le maire et l’interco ?


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) presented a Covid-19 stimulus package involving a major increase in global investment in sustainable hydropower projects to more than US $ 70 billion per year:

IRENA advocates 150% increase in sustainable hydropower investments

Smart Water business intelligence