Smart Water business intelligence week 14/03/2022
The basin committee adopts the master plan for water development and management, the Sdage Loire-Bretagne 2022-2027 and gives a favorable opinion on the program of measures drawn up by the State. The 2022-2027 Sdage for the Loire-Bretagne basin is not starting from scratch, it is an update of the previous Sdage (2016-2021) and its associated program of measures. It translates the collective ambition for the years to come by integrating the context of accelerating climate change:
Le Sdage Loire-Bretagne 2022-2027 est adopté
The FNCCR and four technical partners (Ozwillo, Altereo, Darkskylab, Datactivist) are launching France Data Réseau, a collaborative platform allowing local authorities to share their data related to the activities of local public services in the network. This data should ultimately make it possible to generate reliable indicators promoting knowledge and management of infrastructures, work planning and incident prediction:
16 territoires français s’engagent à partager leurs flux de données
In the future, the sustainable availability of drinking water will be called into question if supply systems do not adapt to the variability and rapid change of the climate. Climate change is already modifying the frequency and intensity of extreme meteorological phenomena (floods, floods, droughts, etc.), and it is likely to affect the quantity and quality of freshwater resources. The WSPs then become a tool for adapting to climate change which makes it possible to put in place preventive management measures to anticipate the consequences of the scarcity of water resources:
[ARS PACA] PGSSE et changement climatique
Increased awareness and new sources of funding available for water and sanitation infrastructure have paved the way for more than $104 billion in projected investment (over ten years) by municipal utilities in the United States:
Spotlight on infrastructure drives US$104 billion water and sewer pipe forecast over next decade