Smart Water business intelligence week 24/01/2022

The Rhine-Meuse water agency is one of the 5 signatories of the protocol relating to the reduction of chloride discharges in the Meurthe and Moselle. Marc Hoeltzel, Managing Director, explains the challenges:
The latest technological developments in the water industry worldwide according to The International Water Association (IWA):
Water Tech Spotlight: the latest technology developments in the water industry | January 2022
The safety of drinking water is ensured at each stage of its production, from the water source, treatment and distribution to the consumer’s tap. The water health safety management plans (WSP) allow collegial work between the ARS and the water stakeholders in order to apply a health risk assessment and management strategy:
To respond to the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis on local finances, the government has supplemented the Local Investment Support Grant (DSIL) by nearly €1 billion over 2020 and 2021 in order to encourage the launch of projects of the communities of the communal block. 39% of this endowment supports Public Works projects. However, disbursements will be spread over several years:
39% de la DSIL exceptionnelle pour des projets de Travaux Publics