Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence week 25/12/2023


The water efficiency market within the professional world is booming. Due to the exceptional droughts experienced in France in recent years, companies must act quickly. Also, the latest Xerfi Precepta survey highlights that the authorities already support 12 large industrial sites through the Water Plan. This situation promises a massive wave of investments for all players in the water sector. However, the challenges remain numerous in this customer segment. France is lagging behind in the field of reuse of treated wastewater, due to costly investments and administrative burdens. VSE-SMEs, less sensitive on these issues, also prove more difficult to evangelize. Stakeholders will also have to juggle rising interest rates and persistent inflation which are considerably increasing the cost of projects:

[ENQUETE XERFI] Gestion de l’eau : le marché B2B en ébullition


Scientists from EPFL and Wageningen University have developed an artificial intelligence model that accurately recognizes plastic objects floating on water in satellite images. This technology could make it possible to eliminate plastic waste from the oceans using ships:

Comment l’IA aide à détecter le plastique dans les océans


The Association of Cantonal Chemists of Switzerland has assessed the presence of PFAS, chemical substances that are difficult to biodegrade and potentially harmful to health and the environment, in Swiss tap water. Residues were present in 46% of samples:

Des PFAS retrouvés dans presque la moitié des échantillons d’eau du robinet en Suisse


The U.S. state of New Mexico announced a $500 million investment in a first-of-its-kind strategic water supply to increase drought resilience and advance clean energy production and storage:

New Mexico to establish first-of-its-kind strategic water supply worth $500 million

Smart Water business intelligence Veille Smart Water