Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


The Multiannual Energy Programming (PPE) for 2019-2028 is adopted according to a decree published in the Official Journal. A second decree, aimed at adopting the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC), was also published. This sets France’s carbon neutrality objective by 2050:

Le gouvernement a publié sa feuille de route énergétique jusqu’en 2028


SUBECA is a Californian manufacturer of a Smart Water solution for flow monitoring. Their offer includes the supply of measurement and communication equipment for data management and the user interface. This article presents their philosophy:

Smart water network innovations: getting ahead of the curve


The Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of many public and business establishments, as well as the temporary shutdown of production sites. The slowdown in activity can lead to stagnation of water and therefore a risk of proliferation of germs. Operators must make every effort to guarantee the proper use of drinking water installations by taking the appropriate measures:

Covid-19 : comment préserver la conformité d’une installation d’eau potable ?


HYDREOS puts forward 3 project calls for nearly 10 M € of possible funding for communities in their actions related to water:

3 appels à projets à découvrir en avril

Smart Water business intelligence Veille Smart Water