
Smart Water business intelligence week 05/07/2021


The Union of Water Industries and Companies, an actor in resource resilience, is showing its latest institutional film which recalls the mobilization of professionals to protect and serve water resources:

Que ferions-nous dans un monde sans eau ?


Millions of liters of primary municipal wastewater can be sustainably treated using fast-growing willows while producing renewable bioenergy and “green” chemicals, according to researchers at the University of Montreal:

A ‘bio-refinery’: using the chemistry of willow trees to treat Canada’s municipal wastewater


In case C-559/19, Commission / Spain, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) requires, in terms of water resources (underground in this case) to take into account all catchments, even illegal. The European judge also exercises on this occasion, but this is less surprising, a control of “appropriate measures to avoid disturbances of the types of protected habitats located in this natural park caused” by the catchments:

Ressources en eau : le juge européen impose de prendre en compte tous les captages, même illégaux


The OiEau is the International Office for Water, which for thirty years has been putting its expertise at the service of all water stakeholders in France and abroad. A non-profit association, OiEau wanted to know its impact on the local and regional economy. He entrusted this study to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Limoges and Haute-Vienne. The results have just been released and they are amazing:

Comment l’Office international de l’eau, implanté à Limoges et à La Souterraine, irrigue l’économie régionale

Smart Water business intelligence