Smart Water business intelligence week 14/02/2022

Many Arab countries need substantial improvements at the national level in order to be on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on water (SDG6). Against this backdrop, the World Bank Group has launched a 2021-2025 Roadmap for Climate Action in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to drive climate action and a green recovery in the region:
Coming to grips with urban water security in the face of climate change in the Arab World
The question of “chemistry” in drinking water covers two realities: the processes, on the one hand, and any residues – the “chlorine taste” – in the water on the other. There are ways to reduce the use of chemicals in both cases, but it is not necessarily applicable everywhere:
Potabiliser de l’eau sans chimie : est ce possible ?
The Astee Drinking Water Commission and the Directorate General for Health (DGS) organized a webinar in February 2021 on the Drinking Water Directive 2020/2184 and its main areas of development. As a follow-up to this event, a webinar on the consideration of emerging pollutants in water intended for human consumption (EDCH) was organized on February 1, 2022:
The Board of Directors of the World Bank has approved the financing of the project to secure water and sanitation in Moldova for an amount of 44.1 million euros. This will help the government of Moldova to implement a comprehensive long-term approach to address the persistent challenges in this sector:
Moldova’s Water Sector to Become More Resilient and Inclusive with World Bank Support