
Smart Water business intelligence week 07/02/2022


Water needs are increasing due to population growth and changes in dietary habits, while water resources are affected by climate change. How to solve this challenge of balancing in 2050, and a fortiori in 2100, supply and demand, avoiding, if possible, shortages, famines, bloody conflicts and migrations? :

[Revue EIN] Risquons-nous d’avoir une pénurie d’eau ?


Researchers from the Technion Institute (Israel) have developed a fast and effective technology to remove PFAS from drinking water: Dr. Adi Radian and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Samapti Kundu from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering have developed innovative technology to remove hazardous pollutants from drinking water:

[Technion Institute] Removing PFAS pollutants from water


Since 2019, the HYDREOS cluster with the support of ARS Grand Est has been working through an ambitious action plan for the promotion and deployment of Water Health Safety Management Plans (PGSSE) in the Grand Est region . On December 7, more than 130 people gathered virtually to attend the webinar: PGSSE en Grand Est: review of the 2019-2021 experiment. This webinar organized by HYDREOS in partnership with ARS Grand Est aimed in particular to share good practices, tools and feedback:

[Hydreos] Replay du bilan de l’expérimentation PGSSE en Grand Est


The European Investment Bank is partnering with the Development Bank of Ecuador, Banco de Desarrollo de Ecuador (BDE), to improve water and sanitation networks across the country. The $100 million EIB loan will partly finance the construction and rehabilitation of water supply, wastewater and stormwater networks under Ecuador’s national program “Agua y Saneamiento para Todos” ( water and sanitation for all):

Ecuador: USD 100m EIB loan finances water and sanitation projects

Smart Water business intelligence