
Smart Water business intelligence week 23/08/2021


What is the best option for individual water consumption considering both health and environmental impacts? The answer to this question, according to a new study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), is that, at least in the city of Barcelona, tap water is the option that offers the most ‘advantages :

Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Up to 3,500 Times Higher than Tap Water


A new site created by a collective of citizens committed to monitoring droughts. The information presented is assembled on the basis of testimonies of water shortages in mainland France and verified information on climate forecasts and their impact on droughts:

Sécheresses : ne pas être pris par surprise


73% of French people consider the labels to guide their food purchases towards “products more respectful of nature and the environment”. But do these labels take into account the issue of sustainable management of water and in particular of its uses in agriculture, a sector that consumes a lot of this resource? :

L’eau, la grande oubliée du label bio ?


The US Senate has just passed a bipartisan infrastructure program called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The $ 1.2 trillion physical infrastructure package includes $ 8.3 billion for water infrastructure in the West, as well as $ 3.3 billion for forest fires and $ 2.1 billion for ecosystem restoration:

US Senate passes bipartisan infrastructure package with $8.3b for western water

Smart Water business intelligence