
Smart Water business intelligence week 25/07/2022


Based on data available in the French SISPEA database in January 2022, 6,514 drinking water services, 6,460 collective sanitation services and 1,272 non-collective sanitation services provided their data. Among the main lessons drawn from the panorama, a great disparity in technical knowledge of heritage and a stable proportion of non-compliant drinking water services:

Eaufrance met en ligne le 12ème rapport de l’observatoire de services publics d’eau et d’assainissement


ColiMinder™ from Vienna Water Monitoring Solutions is a microbial water quality monitoring system – fast and fully automatic. ColiMinder’s rapid online microbiological measurements enable process monitoring and control for all water-related applications:

Coliminder online bacterial monitoring solution


The term micropollutant has gained popularity in scientific circles in recent years, even infiltrating our mainstream media and affecting government policies. Although this may seem like vague and confusing jargon to those unfamiliar with it, it simply refers to substances (both organic and synthetic) that are emitted into the environment in small concentrations as a by-product of household, commercial and industrial processes:

A Simple Guide to Micropollutants – Types, Sources & Removal


Data from space will be used to help keep drinking water clean in the Pacific Northwest, in a project led by Washington State University which recently received a grant from the million dollar NASA:

NASA-funded project to help water utilities cope with wildfire

Smart Water business intelligence