
Smart Water business intelligence


The governments of Canada and Quebec are taking decisive measures to meet the needs of communities by investing in green infrastructure projects in all regions of Quebec. Providing communities with modern and reliable water infrastructure is a priority shared by the two governments:

Canada to invest in water infrastructure to provide reliable services and restart the economy


Enzyme biocell technology based on paper from the Grenoble startup BeFC, which has just raised 3 million euros to accelerate its industrialization. An innovation to follow without a doubt:

BeFC génère de l’électricité à partir de papiers et d’enzymes


To guarantee everyone’s access to water and sanitation and to ensure sustainable management of water resources, the Brottes law of 2013 introduced the possibility, for voluntary communities, of participating in an experiment for pricing. social issue of water and sanitation. Six years after the start of this experiment, what is the assessment and what are the prospects? Metropolitan and overseas communities complete this assessment with their feedback:

Bilan 2019 de l’expérimentation pour une tarification sociale de l’eau


The Department of Isère supports communities in their equipment projects for the supply of drinking water and wastewater treatment. Funding requests for this type of work can be requested by following this link:

Aides financières aux collectivités : assainissement collectif et eau potable

Smart Water business intelligence