Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


The Occitanie Region aims to become the leading positive energy region in Europe. To achieve this, it has taken measures to reduce its energy needs as much as possible, through energy sobriety and efficiency, and aims to cover them fully with locally produced renewable energies:

L’eau comme énergie renouvelable : l’Occitanie, un territoire à l’avant-garde


This is a big warning about the vulnerability of infrastructure. A hacker illegally entered the computer network of a water supply plant in Florida, giving instructions to increase the concentration of a chemical additive to a dangerous level, local police reported :

Floride : Un hacker a piraté un réseau d’eau potable et presque réussi à le contaminer


The revision of the European directive on drinking water was published in the Official Journal of the European Union in December 2020. On this occasion, Astee and the Directorate General for Health organized a webinar on February 4, 2021 on the new drinking water directive and its main areas of development:

Vidéo ASTEE : La nouvelle directive eau potable


The Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse water agency is increasing its financial contribution by 30% to projects in the Grenoble metropolitan area dedicated to the protection of aquatic resources, the distribution of drinking water, the treatment of wastewater and the management of rainy waters. As a result, € 15.4 million provided by the Water Agency which will accelerate the completion of many projects planned by the Metropolis (€ 55.6 million investment over 3 years):

L’agence de l’eau soutient les projets de la métropole grenobloise pour protéger la ressource aquatique

Smart Water business intelligence Veille Smart Water