Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence week 07/06/2021


At the end of two years of studies, the Committee of the Île-de-France Water Syndicate (Sedif) adopted this Thursday, May 27, 2021, by a large majority (88%), the principle of the global concession. Ultimately, it was the public service delegation concession that was chosen by the Ile-de-France elected officials. The Sedif executive also decided 65% to entrust management to a single delegatee. This future management method in the 135 member municipalities will officially come into force on January 1, 2024 for 12 years:

Le Sedif opte pour une gestion déléguée


The world of water is now familiar with information processing systems. However, developments are emerging in terms of protocols and openness of systems. And, after factories, WWTPs and distribution networks, it is the turn of sanitation networks to equip themselves:

Automatisation, supervision, télégestion : optimiser la gestion des ouvrages


The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group approved a new water policy, prioritizing water security and transforming water assets to foster sustainable, green and economic growth. inclusive in regional member countries. Since 2010, the African Development Bank has invested approximately $ 6.2 billion in the provision of water supply and sanitation services:

African Development Bank Board approves water policy


The mayor or president of an inter-municipal cooperation establishment is required to submit an annual report on the price and quality of the public drinking water and sanitation service. It must attach to it the note drawn up by the water agency on the charges appearing on the subscribers’ water bills and on the implementation of its multi-annual intervention program. The 2021 edition of this note, based on 2020 figures, is available:

[Adour-Garonne] Rapport annuel 2021 sur le prix et la qualité du service public de l’eau et de l’assainissement

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