Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


As part of the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 virus, the National Federation of conceding and governed communities (FNCCR), publishes a video of testimonies from communities having anticipated their water health management plans (PGSSE):

La FNCCR promeut le PGSSE en vidéo


Redox, or redox potential, is currently measured mainly for applications on wastewater, or in addition to other measurements on drinking water. Its low cost, one of its main advantages, makes it an indicator still widely used in different fields:

Mesure du Redox : quand, pourquoi, comment ?


Study from the Professional Federation of Water Companies (FP2E) on the consequences of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the mode of operation between the local authority, organizing authority, and the operator:

Nouveau guide de la FP2E “services de distribution d’eau & protection des données personnelles”


The deadline for the ESG Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Fund announced in February has been extended to June 1, 2020. To help developers and operators of hydroelectric projects to compare and improve their social and environmental performance, a total of ” one million Swiss francs (1.02 million USD) will be allocated to 40 or more hydroelectric projects between 2020 and 2024:

Deadline extended for $1M assessment fund for sustainable hydropower projects

Smart Water business intelligence