Market trends

Smart Water business intelligence


To guarantee the quality of drinking water, the chlorine level has been increased in several regions of France but tap water remains completely potable, confirm the operators:

Tap water in France under strict surveillance


Living organisms can be used to detect or measure the possible toxicity of water, but there is still a long way to go to democratize this practice:

Analyse de l’eau : Quelle place pour les biocapteurs ?


A brief history of the regulatory evolution of water quality monitoring in France:

Traque des polluants, surveillance des écosystèmes, une longue épopée


An overview of the funding offered by the European Union. Financing possibilities range from business loans, microcredit, guarantees and venture capital. Each year, the EU supports more than 200,000 companies:

Accès au financement Européen

Focus : EIC Pilot Accelerator – Green Deal

Smart Water business intelligence